Social and Civic Main Entry Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 1 WORK AREA 1 Workshop Title: Freedom, Rights, Obligations in a European Society WORK AREA 2 Workshop Title: Participation in Society – What it really means WORK AREA 3 Workshop Title: Social Interactions Basics Level 2 WORK AREA 1 Workshop Title: Democratic Processes WORK AREA 2 Workshop Title: Participation in Society – In Depth WORK AREA 3 Workshop Title: Social Interactions and Social Skills Level 3 WORK AREA 2 Workshop Title: Equal opportunities and Active Citizenship WORK AREA 4 Workshop Title: Building the local community WORK AREA 5 Workshop Title: Being active in the local area Workshop Title: My dream job Workshop Title: Local orientation Level 4 WORK AREA 4 Workshop Title: Introduction to local political system Workshop Title: What is citizenship?