Participating in Social Media (Code MLL2WA2W1)

IO4. Media Literacy

Work Area 2

Workshop 1: Participating in Social Media

1. General Information

Name of the key competence:
Media Literacy

Name of the workshop:

Participating in Social Media

Main learning outcomes:

2.3.1 Articulate ways in which social media can be used to obtain personal goals

2.3.2 Examine the potential risks of social media use​

2.3.3 List the ways in which risks can be minimised

Work area{s):

WA2: Accessing and Using Media


4 hours

AC entry level


Class room activity

Outward bound activity

E-learning activity

Min. training materials:

Online connection

Beamer and PC

White board

Paper/pencils, post its etc

Extra rooms


Special attention:

Involvement of third parties

Special arrangements needed

Prep work for participants required



2. Didactical Methodology

Part of workshop

Innovative didactical methodology used:

What it means:

1st part

2nd part

3rd part

1. Spaced learning

Highly condensed learning content is repeated three times, with two 10-minute breaks during which distractor activities such as physical activities are performed by the students

2. Cross Over learning

Learning in informal settings, such as museums and after-school clubs, can link educational content with issues that matter to learners in their lives

3. Learning through argumentation

Argumentation as means to attend to contrasting ideas, which can deepen their learning.  Use of meaningful discussion in classrooms through open-ended questions, re-state of remarks in more scientific language, and develop and use models to construct explanations

4. Incidental learning

Incidental learning, unplanned or unintentional learning. It may occur while carrying out an activity that is seemingly unrelated to what is learned. It is not lead by a teacher

5. Context based learning

By interpreting new information in the context of where and when it occurs, and by relating it to what we already know, we come to understand its relevance and meaning

6. Computational thinking

Breaking large problems down into smaller ones (decomposition), recognizing how these relate to problems that have been solved in the past (pattern recognition), setting aside unimportant details (abstraction), identifying and developing the steps that will be necessary to reach a solution (algorithms) and refining these steps (debugging).

7. Learning by doing

A hands-on approach to learning, meaning students must interact with their environment in order to adapt and learn

8. Embodied Learning

Embodied learning involves self-awareness of the body interacting with a real or simulated world to support the learning process

9. Adaptive Teaching

Using data of learner’s previous and current learning to create a personalized path through educational content.

Data (f.e. time spent reading, scores) can form a basis for guiding each learner through educational materials. Adaptive teaching can either be applied to classroom activities or in online environments where learners control their own pace of study

10. Analytics of Emotions

Teachers responding to students’ emotions and dispositions, so that teaching can become more responsive to the whole learner

3. Type of training activities used

Type of activity
Part of workshop

1st part

2nd part

3rd part

1. Q-A session

2. Case studies

3. Small group discussions

4. Active summaries

5. Demonstrations

6. Real world learning / real life scenario

7. Apprenticeship

8. Story board teaching

9. Out of class activity

10. Problem-based learning activity / problem solving

11. Collaborative preparation

12. Discussion questions / group discussion

13. Group activity

14. Story telling

15. Mind mapping

16. Brainstorming

17. Instructional video

18. Role playing

19. Self-assessment

20. (Mentor) work shadowing

21. Instruction

22. Event organisation

23. Online training

24. Learning game

25. Reflection

26. Coaching

4. Organization of the workshop

Duration: 1 hour and 15 min


Learning Outcomes:

2.3.1 Articulate ways in which social media can be used to obtain personal goals

2.3.2 Examine the potential risks of social media use



The Facilitator will run “Barometer” activity on the different questions regarding social media use. The activity consists of the following steps:

  • The Facilitator prepares the space, by “Strongly Agree” and “Strongly Disagree” signs at opposite ends of a room
  • The Facilitator announces the first statement: “I use social media to pursue my personal goals”, and the participants are asked to ‘take a stand’ in accordance to their opinion. They may stand anywhere between the two extremes, depending on how much they do or do not agree with the statement
  • Then the participants are invited to explain their positions. The Facilitator moderates the process, alternating from one side to the other. The participants are instructed that they are free to move and change their position anytime, and are advised to use “I”-statements in order to not offend others
  • The activity is repeated for the second statement: “I think it is risky to use social media”
  • The Facilitator debriefs the activity by charting the main “for” (ways to use for personal goals) and “against” (risks of social media use) arguments on the board as a whole-class activity


Ref number

Video and other useful links:

Duration: 1 hour and 15 min


Learning Outcomes:

2.3.1 Articulate ways in which social media can be used to obtain personal goals



Creation of a mindmap in a group and discussion. In short, the Facilitator must draw a mindmap based on the comments from the participants, concluding the activity with a discussion. The particular steps for the activity are:


  1. The Facilitator shows Annex 1 List of popular social media websites to check what social media the participants are familiar with. If the participants know at least half of the list, the Facilitator can use Annex 3 Mindmap draft to proceed. Otherwise the mindmap blocks with the social media brands are skipped, and the Facilitator together with the group will draw only possible personal goals on the mindmap.


  1. On a whiteboard (or using projector and any digital mindmap creation website, such as the Facilitator draws the first blocks of a mindmap. Depending on the level of the participants’ digital competences, identified at the previous step, it can be either just one block of “Using social media for personal goals” or the entire Annex 3 Mindmap draft.


  1. Further the Facilitator suggests brainstorming what personal goals can be achieved with social media’s help. The Facilitator adds new nodes for every suggestion: with a less familiar with social media group the mindmap will be simple, with all nodes going from the main central block. In the more advanced group, the participants need to discuss which social media they can use to achieve the goals they propose; in this case new nodes will go from the blocks with social media brands.


  1. To stimulate the participants’ ideas the Facilitator may use Annex 2 Examples of personal goals, showing it to the participants. The more advanced group will need to match the goals from the annex with the social media


  1. The next step after the mindmap is complete is a group discussion on the concrete ways to achieve each of the named goals through (the decided) social media. The Facilitator moderates the discussion, focusing on integration issues and specific needs of low-skilled women with foreign background.


Annex 1, Annex 2,  Annex 3

Video and other useful links:

Duration: 1 hour and 30 min


Learning Outcomes:

2.3.2 Examine the potential risks of social media use

2.3.3 List the ways in which risks can be minimised




  • The participants are shown 3 videos on the topic of social media dangers


  • The participants are split into four small groups, each group is assigned one of the types of social media risks: 1) “fake” life / image “hunt”, 2) privacy / oversharing risks, 3) addiction / wasting time, 4) cybersecurity and other external risks.


  • Then each group, working in their own corner of the room, is supposed to remember or research examples of the risks within the allocated risk type, as well as brainstorm on the ways they can minimised.


  • 2 representatives of each group must then present the summary results of their work (examples and ways to minimise risks) to the whole class of the participants


Ref number

Video and other useful links: