Exploring the meaning of Acculturation (Code CAL4WA3W8)

IO4. Cultural Awareness

Work Area 3

Workshop 8: Exploring the meaning of Acculturation

1. General Information

Name of the key competence:
Cultural awareness and expression

Name of the workshop:

Exploring the meaning of Acculturation

Main learning outcomes:

3.3.1. Define Acculturation

3.3.2. Asses their level of Acculturation in the host country

3.3.3. Be able to respect and participate at the culture of the host country without loosing their cultural identity

Work area{s):

WA3: Home versus host country culture


5.5 hours

AC entry level


Class room activity

Outward bound activity

E-learning activity

Min. training materials:

Online connection

Beamer and PC

White board

Paper/pencils, post its etc

Extra rooms


Special attention:

Involvement of third parties

Special arrangements needed

Prep work for participants required



2. Didactical Methodology

Part of workshop

Innovative didactical methodology used:

What it means:

1st part

2nd part

3rd part

1. Spaced learning

Highly condensed learning content is repeated three times, with two 10-minute breaks during which distractor activities such as physical activities are performed by the students

2. Cross Over learning

Learning in informal settings, such as museums and after-school clubs, can link educational content with issues that matter to learners in their lives

3. Learning through argumentation

Argumentation as means to attend to contrasting ideas, which can deepen their learning.  Use of meaningful discussion in classrooms through open-ended questions, re-state of remarks in more scientific language, and develop and use models to construct explanations

4. Incidental learning

Incidental learning, unplanned or unintentional learning. It may occur while carrying out an activity that is seemingly unrelated to what is learned. It is not lead by a teacher

5. Context based learning

By interpreting new information in the context of where and when it occurs, and by relating it to what we already know, we come to understand its relevance and meaning

6. Computational thinking

Breaking large problems down into smaller ones (decomposition), recognizing how these relate to problems that have been solved in the past (pattern recognition), setting aside unimportant details (abstraction), identifying and developing the steps that will be necessary to reach a solution (algorithms) and refining these steps (debugging).

7. Learning by doing

A hands-on approach to learning, meaning students must interact with their environment in order to adapt and learn

8. Embodied Learning

Embodied learning involves self-awareness of the body interacting with a real or simulated world to support the learning process

9. Adaptive Teaching

Using data of learner’s previous and current learning to create a personalized path through educational content.

Data (f.e. time spent reading, scores) can form a basis for guiding each learner through educational materials. Adaptive teaching can either be applied to classroom activities or in online environments where learners control their own pace of study

10. Analytics of Emotions

Teachers responding to students’ emotions and dispositions, so that teaching can become more responsive to the whole learner

3. Type of training activities used

Type of activity
Part of workshop

1st part

2nd part

3rd part

1. Q-A session

2. Case studies

3. Small group discussions

4. Active summaries

5. Demonstrations

6. Real world learning / real life scenario

7. Apprenticeship

8. Story board teaching

9. Out of class activity

10. Problem-based learning activity / problem solving

11. Collaborative preparation

12. Discussion questions / group discussion

13. Group activity

14. Story telling

15. Mind mapping

16. Brainstorming

17. Instructional video

18. Role playing

19. Self-assessment

20. (Mentor) work shadowing

21. Instruction

22. Event organisation

23. Online training

24. Learning game

25. Reflection

26. Coaching

4. Organization of the workshop

Duration: 1 hour and 30 min


Learning Outcomes:

3.3.1.    Define Acculturation



  • The facilitator will start the workshop with an introduction of what is acculturation, by using video “Acculturation” (link A). The facilitator will remind the trainees to watch careful the video provided as it is important to understand the terms and meanings used in next stages of the workshop.
  • The facilitator will initiate a group discussion on how the participants perceive the concept of acculturation.
  • The facilitator will ask the participants to give examples of their own experiences and share their stories highlighting those moments that the process of acculturation is pointed out.
  • The facilitator will encourage the other participants to provide feedback upon the stories.



Video and other useful links:

A. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQLQ1k5CPHw

Duration: 1 hour and 30 min


Learning Outcomes:

3.3.2.   Assess their level of Acculturation in the host country



  • The facilitator will divide students into groups based on immigrant status—recent immigrants, long-term residents (more than 10 years), children of immigrants (second generation), and those who are third generation or greater. Have group members discuss the similarities and differences in their experiences in order to identify the acculturation process within different contexts.
  • The facilitator will ask the participants to watch the short film “Enculturation & Cultural Identity in “Elf” (link A).
  • The facilitator will then ask participants to identify the stages of acculturation and/or acculturation attitudes portrayed by the characters.
  • One participant will write up the findings of the previous exercise on the whiteboard.
  • The facilitator will ask participants to fill in the assessment questionnaire (Annex 1).
  • In continuance, the participants will elaborate their results and each one of them will present them in the classroom.
  • The facilitator will initiate a group discussion upon participants’ results and provide food for thought upon the acculturation process.


Annex 1

Video and other useful links:

A. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPXoKV-Mo-E

Duration: 2 hour and 30 min


Learning Outcomes:

3.3.3.   Be able to respect and participate at the culture of the host country without losing their cultural identity



  • The facilitator will assign a small group project where the participants will visit an immigrant neighborhood in their area (neighborhood that people have immigrant background themselves or their parents/ grandparents). They should take notes of how the neighborhood is organized, what kinds of businesses are there, what kinds of goods are sold, etc. Groups can report on their visit in written reports or oral presentations.
  • The facilitator will have participants conduct an interview with someone who immigrated to Greece from another country and live in Greece for few years. This should not be someone who is a member of the class. The facilitator may provide participants with instructions or participants may make a list of questions ahead of time and submit them to the facilitator for approval. Participants may also submit a tape of the interviewer for instructor review.
  • Participants should summarize the highlights of their interview in a written report. The exercise will be considered successful if participants seem to deeper understand the concept of acculturation and identify its dimensions on a real life stories.



Video and other useful links:
